Cross-Cultural Disciple Making: 9 Essential Guidelines

Jun 1

Cross-cultural disciple making is an essential aspect of spreading the gospel to unreached populations across the globe. As Christians, we are called to bridge the gaps between cultures, foster connections, and share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Embarking on this journey can be both challenging and rewarding, but with intentionality, humility, and prayerful guidance, we can effectively engage in cross-cultural evangelism. In this blog post, we'll explore eight essential guidelines that will equip and empower you to navigate the complexities of cross-cultural disciple making and impact lives for the Kingdom of God.


1/ Be intentional

Nothing great ever happened by accident. When it comes to disciple making, the same principle applies. As you plan and prepare for your cross-cultural mission trip, consider how best to use the time and resources available. What strategies could you employ to effectively engage in evangelism? Are there any particular cultural customs or norms that must be incorporated into your approach? By taking an intentional approach to disciple making, you can maximize the impact of your trip and more effectively reach out to people in need.

Evangelism requires a conscious effort (John 4:4; Acts 16:13). As disciples, we must be deliberate in our approach to sharing the gospel, particularly when faced with cross-cultural challenges.

2/ Learn as you go

Stay open to learning about others, yourself, and the Holy Spirit's work. Take a genuine interest in others and seek to understand them. Be flexible, adapting your approach when necessary, and listen to the Holy Spirit's guidance (Prov. 18:13).

3/ Embrace mistakes

No one likes to make mistakes, but that is a part of the learning process. Accept failure and use it as an opportunity to grow. Accept that mistakes will occur and trust that the Holy Spirit will work through your shortcomings. Most people are understanding and forgiving of cultural faux pas. Learn from your errors, apologize, and move forward.

4/ Identify God's bridges

Do you know the purpose of a bridge? It's designed to connect two places that were once separated. In disciple making, we should seek out the bridges God has already constructed between cultures—the common ground that links us to those we're trying to reach. God creates social opportunities for sharing the gospel (John 4:39). Leverage these relationships to spread the gospel more effectively, helping to bridge cultural divides.

5/ Seek receptivity

While we should share the gospel with everyone, prioritize those who are most receptive (Acts 18:5–8). Focus on building relationships with those who show interest and openness to the gospel message. Receptivity doesn’t mean complacency, though. Regardless of the level of receptivity, stay committed to being authentic and honest about your faith (Romans 12:10-18).

6/ Pray without ceasing

We don't really understand what it means to pray without ceasing. When it comes to cross-cultural disciple making, this means setting aside time each day to pray for yourself, those you are engaging with, and the spiritual growth of all involved. Disciple making relies on divine intervention, not human ingenuity. Pray for yourself, ask others to pray for you (Col. 4:3–4), and pray for those with whom you're sharing the gospel.

7/ Establish a connection

Find common ground to foster gospel conversations. Jesus and early disciples met people where they were in their spiritual journeys (Acts 8:30). Engage in discussions about hometowns, food, family, or sports, and participate in tea or coffee rituals to create opportunities for gospel conversations.

8/ Proclaim the gospel

Ultimately, our goal is to guide others toward repentance and faith in Jesus (Acts 20:21). While learning about other cultures and building relationships is valuable, we must remember that salvation comes through the gospel message, not our friendships or influence.

9/ Cultivate cultural sensitivity

Developing cultural sensitivity is crucial for effective cross-cultural disciple making (1 Cor 9:19-23). Take time to research and understand the customs, beliefs, and values of the people you are engaging with. This will help you avoid unintentional offenses and demonstrate respect for their culture. By showing genuine interest and appreciation for their traditions, you can build trust and rapport, creating a more conducive environment for sharing the gospel message. Remember, our ultimate goal is to effectively communicate the love of Christ, and being culturally sensitive allows us to do so in a way that truly resonates with others.

Make Disciples

In conclusion, cross-cultural disciple making is an incredible opportunity to expand the reach of the gospel and share the love of Christ with people from diverse backgrounds. As you embark on this journey, remember the importance of intentionality, learning, humility, prayer, and cultural sensitivity. By following these nine essential guidelines, you can effectively navigate the complexities of cross-cultural evangelism and make a lasting impact on the lives of others. Ultimately, it is through the power of the Holy Spirit and our obedience to God's call that we can bring the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Embrace this calling and watch as God works through you to transform lives for His glory.

Matt Davis

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