Revival and Awakening: The Stirring of God in Baguio

In these uncertain times, it is essential to share stories that bring hope and renewal. Today, I want to celebrate a story from Baguio, a city nestled in the mountains of the Philippines. It's here where God is undeniably at work, stirring hearts and lives like never before.

Recently, Burning Bush Ministries had the privilege of joining forces with Light of the World Baguio church for an evangelistic outreach event. From July 8-11, we witnessed a scene that resonated with the truths of Joshua 1 and Psalm 2, reminding us that God has Success for His People. We saw the clear message of the Gospel being shared, which touched the hearts of the attendees profoundly.

A thrilling rush swept through the crowd, as hundreds of individuals stepped forward, declaring their faith in Jesus for the first time. Over a thousand others chose to recommit their lives, seeking a deeper relationship with God. Each person, each decision, is a testament to the vibrant move of God happening right now in Baguio.

Yet, what happened in Baguio is more than an isolated event. It's a microcosm of a larger, grander movement of God that we're seeing unfold worldwide. From the quiet whispers of prayer in homes to the passionate cries in churches like Light of the World, the Holy Spirit is on the move.

What we're witnessing is the stirring of revival, the deep and transformative renewal of faith that comes when people encounter the living God. And as this revival unfolds, so too does an awakening – an increased awareness of God's presence and work in our world. This awakening is causing hearts to turn, lives to change, and communities to shift towards the hope and peace found only in Jesus Christ.

This momentous shift is not just about the work of Burning Bush Ministries or Light of the World Baguio church. This is a testament to your prayers, your support, your belief in the power of the Gospel. Without your partnership, these moments of revival and awakening might never have occurred.

Thank you for joining us on this journey, for standing with us in prayer, and for supporting us in countless ways. The fruit we're seeing in Baguio and across the world is, in part, yours. Together, we can celebrate the wonder of God's faithfulness and the power of His transforming love.

We share these stories not just to inform but to inspire. We hope you're encouraged by what God is doing in Baguio, and we pray it ignites a flame in your heart to continue to partner with us in this great commission. God is on the move, and together, we're part of something far greater than we could ever imagine.

Matt Davis

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