The Cup Of Sanctification

Exodus 6:6, God says, “I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from their bondage. I will also redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments.

There was a passing moment in time when the Hebrew children prospered in Egypt. This was a time through the sovereignty of God when Joseph had received favor from Pharaoh, however this was temporary.  In Exodus 6:6, the “I will’s” of God are evidenced by His outstretched arm.

It was God alone by His outstretched arm that delivered Israel from the Egyptian bondage. The liberation seen in Exodus was an interim, provisional moment whereby Israel’s deliverance was temporary, however the Divine table was set for a future deliverer that would be permanent and final.

I am reminded of Matthew 24:35 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.” The Lord is faithful and His righteousness everlasting. The Lord did not forsake His people and His outstretched arm would be pivotal to both the Jewish people and Gentiles.

God’s deliverance - revealed in its ultimate redemptive form through His Son, Yeshua, truly the Lamb of God came to take away the sins of the world (John 1:29). I see the outstretched arms of Yeshua nailed on the tree as evidencing the outstretched arm of the Father, the fulfilled promise of the “I will.”

Yeshua suffered, died and rose again that the glory of the Father’s outstretched arm would be known to His creation. His own arm brought him salvation and his righteousness upheld him (Isaiah 59:16). As I reflect on the cup of Sanctification, the first of four cups during a Seder, the first “I will” of God, whose promise, in word, went forth into action and brought the Hebrew children out from under the grip of Egyptian slavery.

My Lord Yeshua as He raised this cup, and all in the upper room reflected on God’s outstretched arm that unshackled them.

Israel once under the wicked thumb of Pharaoh was a delivered people of God by the power of God. Those in the upper room had no idea that the fullness of time had come when the redemptive finale would eternally blood seal the spiritual deliverance of all those who would believe.

My Holy God gave me a new heart to receive Him in faith. He alone is my ultimate sanctification and because of Him I am free, covered by His blood, reconciled with the Father and being transformed by the Holy Spirit into the image of Messiah. Lord, here I am, thank you for your outstretched arm that takes me in.

“Take me into the Holy of Holies, take me in by the blood of the Lamb, Take me into the Holy of holies, take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am.”

A devotion by Darlene B. Line

Matt Davis

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