When Unity Among God's People Leads to Revival

Revival seems like something that happens somewhere else. But it's not. Revival is the result of unity among God's people and the move of the Holy Spirit. Biblically speaking, revival starts with a conviction of sin and a turning to God.

In Manila yesterday, hundreds of believers stood together in unity. As we prayed, the Holy Spirit was so real and tangible. We worshipped and praised God with all of our hearts. There was no holding back – no fear or doubt as we called out to God.

At Cunnetta Astrodome in Manila yesterday, Dr. Jeffrey Siegel, our founder, spoke on “From Gilgal to Jericho.” If you remember Joshua’s story, you’ll know that when God told the people of Israel to march around Jericho seven times, they probably thought it was crazy. But their faithfulness and obedience paid off – and so can ours!

A simple message: "Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness."

During his message, Dr. Siegel reminded the gathered crowd, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Circumcise your heart – it’s time for you to take the Philippines for Jesus! Then Asia, the Middle East and Israel!”

On Saturday, November 12, a revival came to the city of Manila in the Cunetta Astrodome stadium. Thousands gathered for this timely event! The pastors in Manila came together in unity, which led to government officials, business people, church and non-church attendees being present as well.

worship in manila

What happened? The Shout of the Lord was truly in the camp! The Jericho walls in people's lives came down! The spiritual walls over the city of Manila came down! Many came to a personal relationship with Jesus and thousands of believers were revived. We believe revival will continue in every province in the Philippines.

This is a powerful example of what can happen when God's people unite for a common cause. When we put aside our differences and come together in prayer and worship, God shows up in a big way! This was truly a historic moment for the city of Manila, and we give all glory and honor to God.

The Importance of Revival

Revival is an important part of the movement of God because it allows us to refocus our attention on God and His righteousness. In a world that is constantly trying to pull us away from Christ, revival provides a much-needed reminder of what is truly important in life.

When we experience revival, it should lead to a change in our behavior. We should be more passionate about our faith and more committed to living out our Christian values. Revival should also inspire us to share the gospel with others so that they can experience the same life-changing transformation that we have undergone.

Unity among Christians is essential if we want to see more revivals taking place around the world. When we come together in prayer and worship, it sends a strong message to Satan that we are unified in our faith and committed to spreading the gospel. It also shows the world that Christianity is not a divided religion – we are one body united under Christ.

Passion For Israel Starting In The Philippines

The Philippines is a nation that has long been blessed by the Lord. The revival in Manila yesterday ignited a passion for Israel that will spread throughout the nation and beyond. As people seek first God's righteousness, more revivals will come to cities across Asia and the Middle East as we share our faith with others.

But there is something unique about the zealous faith of the people of the Philippines. They have a love and passion for the people of Israel. This love for Israel has been cultivated in this nation for many years, and the revival yesterday was a powerful reminder of God's promise to never forget His people. Now, this passion is being renewed through the recent revival and will no doubt continue to flourish throughout the nation as God's people seek Him first.

We are excited to see what God will do with the Joshua Generation that has emerged! We pray that as they go forth and share their faith, more revivals will take place throughout the Philippines and beyond. We know that when we seek first God's Kingdom and His righteousness, all these things will be added unto us – and more!

This revival in Manila is the beginning of something big. It's a reminder that God's power can move mountains and bring people together in unity. We are all called to be unified in our faith, working together to spread the good news of the Messiah. With a strong foundation of unity among believers, we can continue to experience revival in our lives and see more people come to Christ!

Revival In Your Own Life

We hope that this report on God's movement in the Philippines has inspired you to seek revival in your own life and also to pray for revival around the world. Revival starts with each individual Christian making a commitment to grow closer to God. But it doesn't end there – it must also be accompanied by unity among Christians so that we can effectively spread the gospel to those who are lost.

person holding world

Our ministry is reaching out across the world in countries bringing a message of hope and making disciples of EVERY nation. You don't have to sit on the sidelines – you can be part of the movement! Here are three ways you can join this work.

Pray: We invite you to join us in prayer for revival around the world and to make a commitment to grow closer to God. He is faithful and will answer our prayers. Let’s fulfill God's great commission together in unity and by His grace, let’s see Revival come forth in the Philippines, Asia and the world! Thank you for praying with us.

Join: Join us on a trip to one of the countries we are ministering in and be a part of this movement. We would love to have you join us in the work that God is doing all around the world!

Give: Your financial support helps us provide resources such as food, Bibles, and other materials needed to keep our ministry going. It also makes it possible for us to take teams on trips to share the good news and make disciples of every nation.

We invite you to join us in revival for the nations! Let’s press into God together, seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, unite together in prayer and worship, and experience true Revival across our world! Together we can change lives and see God move in power! Let’s do this together in unity and with love, for the glory of God. Amen!

Matt Davis

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